Prophetic Preparation Training – Day One

Today we begin our study by examining from Scripture the office and function of the prophet and the gift of prophecy.

18 thoughts on “Prophetic Preparation Training – Day One”

  1. benoit lafreniere

    i find it very interesting i would like to send a voice mail but i am not equipe to do it .i did get your prophetic study books and i beleive that this will help me to meditate and search the words in my bible tanks i am 72 years olds a pastor ordained in july 2012 so very new so iam hungry for everythings god as i want ,i am more evangelist this what i do now ministring wit the cree in the north of ontario bring the words of god love this very much hope that many will take advantage of it

  2. Katherine Freiburger

    I am not seeing the questions (you refer to in your previous comments) below the video to answer. Thank you for the teaching! It cleared up some questions i had.

  3. I would like to send you a voicemail, but I am not able to do so at this time. But I find that your first teaching is very interesting, It has brought to me , some clarification of words that I have heard but did not really understand them before. Thank you so much…

  4. This was very good. I have read James Goll book “the Seer”. You have clarified some things here for me. Especially interesting to note that the word “apostle” is describing a function and not a title. Too many today into title-mania. Thank you.

  5. Can a Prophecy have both elements like hearing messages from God and see messages of God. Also can a Prophet have both hearing messages and and seeing messages from God at the same time.

  6. It would be better if you spelt some words especially in refering to 1 chron 29:29 where ther is samuel the seer nathan the prophet and gad the seer…but in the video your saying nabi or navi…

  7. For 2nd question : Prophet is a inspired hearer and speaker. It’s a communicative dimension . Seer is a visual, they get messages through visions. It’s a receptive dimension . All the true seers are prophets but all prophets are not seers. Prophets and seers will get message from god for themselves and for others.

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