Scripture is clear that we are called to seek the person and presence of Christ Himself, not merely the promises and provision of His Kingdom.
While some in the Church today debate over whether a Christian should live in poverty or prosperity, God is looking for a people that will live in “priority,” seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness, making His will their will and having no personal agenda. Such people of priority will maintain poverty of spirit – the antithesis of pride and self-dependence – and will invariably experience the prosperity of Heaven in all seasons.
Jesus promised if we live for the King’s vision, the provision of the Kingdom will always be ours! He assured His followers: “So don’t worry and don’t keep saying, ‘What shall we eat, what shall we drink or what shall we wear?! That is what pagans are always looking for; your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. Set your heart on the kingdom and his goodness, and all these things will come to you as a matter of course'” (Matthew 6:31-33, J.B. Phillips).
The purest expression and highest form of prayer is intimacy and communion with Father God. Prayer, as the LORD intended, is delighting in His person and presence, not just His promises and provision.
When you genuinely and wholeheartedly find your pleasure in Christ, you will also experience His faithfulness in providing your every need because you are His child, the object of His affection!
God really loves you!
For the Kingdom,
Glenn Bleakney