Free Prophetic Training


“I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they will prophesy” Acts 2:18

God has promised in His word that with the reception of the Holy Spirit the gift of prophecy would be available to all believers (see Acts 2:17-18). What is the point of prophecy?
Jesus, through His death and resurrection, brought us into a relationship of intimate communion with the Father and we are now privy to His personal affairs. “I shall not call you servants any longer, for a servant does not share his master’s confidence. No, I call you friends, now, because I have told you everything that I have heard from the Father” (John 15:15, J.B. Phillips). Plainly stated, Father God wants you to hear His voice and know His will. He has things He wants to reveal to you. “The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them” (Psalm 25:14, NIV).
Are you are willing to invest 10 mins a day for 12 days? 
Because I want to see as many as possible raised up to hear the Holy Spirit, I am offering this training at NO COST! I am even going to give you a copy of the study notes as well as a PDF book on the prophetic for NO CHARGE!
You will receive a daily email that will include a ten minute video for you to watch. Follow along using the FREE study notes.
Are you in? Sign Up Here 

2 thoughts on “Free Prophetic Training”

  1. Its an awesome thing, however i am not able to spend 60.00 at this time. God bless you for putting this out here to help people with increased vision. Bless you

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